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For this project, I used Strapi Headless CMS as an ERP, and React to output data to frontend.
This specific app is not meant to exist as an online app, but only to keep track of all product stocks on the personal computer.

This Version

The App was built by using the Strapi @4.20.2, and React @18.2.0.
As a query language, GraphQl @16.8.1 is used.


You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.



  • React @18.2.0
  • Twitter Bootstrap @5.0.2


  • Strapi @4.20.2
  • GraphQl @16.8.1

Supplementary, for this project to work as planned, you will need:

  • express @4.19.2
  • npm-run-all @4.1.5
  • kill-port @2.0.1
  • sass @1.17.1

You can check this version online on Github